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Penname:Tracey [Contact]
Member Since:2004.03.28
Real name:Tracey Claybon
Stories Posted:0
Reviews Posted:49
A Favorite Author of:0 members
Favorite Stories:23
Favorite Authors:3
Updated 2-15-2016

A lot has changed since I last updated this. I live in Seattle again. Still a Harry Potter fan.

Updated 08-18-09

Website is in the process of restoration after a long time. About 20 of my 39 current fics (a mixed set) are up. I have the first two of a set of Harry Potter stories posted there.
I'm planning a SS/HG story, AU, post OOTP - my stories so far are mostly not HBP or DH compliant... I wasn't too happy with a certain Potions Master's fate or the canon pairing for a certain Know It All.

Tracey Claybon on FF.net, WIKTT lurker, etc. Also on TTH.

At Pureblood: Teresa Greenfalcon; Tracey for Chaos, Wolfsbane, Lumos, The Burrow, Illusions and here.

Female. Native Texan and Seattle area resident. 30ish. Harry Potter fan. Also likes LotR (movie and book), Batman, BtVS/AtS, the Deed of Paksenarrion by Elizabeth Moon, the Dark is Rising sequence by Susan Cooper, the Tortall books by Tamora Pierce, Disney's Gargoyles, Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar and modern day series and just too many others to list here.

Reads: HG/DM, GW/DM, HG/SS, HP/HG, HP/GW, NT/RL, etc. Also reads well written slash and het (and RW/HG on occasion - but it has to be GOOD.) I'll read most things within reason.

Writes in Potter fandom: HG/SS, HG/DM - implied and friendship - but romance isn't my strong suit; I do character vignettes and studies best.

Favorite HP characters: Snape, Hermione, Harry and Remus.

Comments, compliments, and constructive criticism is always welcome, but flames, spam, and trolls are not - the reaction will not be pretty, and the spammer/flamer/troll will regret it.

I tend to answer when a email's given and I don't do author's notes with long thank you lists (I think it takes time away from the storytelling), so if you want acknowledgment or a response, include an email in your review and I'll drop you a line when RL allows it. (I'm a working slogger... think Dilbert and cubicles.)

Stories by Tracey (0)Favorite Stories (23)Favorite Authors (3)

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