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Challenge fics > Granger/Snape 100

Almost Normal by Ladymage Samiko [Reviews - 4]

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Almost Normal

She watched him fidget before the mirror, pace around the room, rifle through the wardrobe. He fussed and preened, stared and fretted. His nose was too large, eyes too small, mouth too wide, skin too sallow. His hair was impossible, his build skeletal. Black was the only colour he had a prayer of looking decent in.

He was too old for this. And Merlin knew he needed a drink.

She finally bustled him out the door for his date with Hermione. Alone, Minerva chuckled fondly, declaring to herself, "I'm going to make a normal boy out of you yet, Severus."

ANs: The quote required by the challenge was "I'm going to make a normal boy out of you yet," from The Ruby Knight by David Eddings.

originally scribed 1/31/07

Almost Normal by Ladymage Samiko [Reviews - 4]

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