It's Just Not Quidditch: It's Just Not Quidditch

by Ladymage Samiko

It's Just Not Quidditch

"The contents of the thermos can be analyzed," Hermione pointed out.

"True," Severus agreed reluctantly.

"I could take you before the Wizengamot."

"You could try."

"I could hex you six ways from Saturday."

An eyebrow lifted. "Now, do you honestly think you could get the better of me in a duel?"

"Well, probably not," she grudgingly admitted. "But that was both unnecessary and unprincipled, Severus. It's simply not Quidditch to spike your wife's coffee with a lust potion. And damned if I'm going to let you just get away with it!"

"The riding crop's in the closet," he commented mildly.

AN: "The contents of the thermos can be analyzed," is the quote required by the challenge and comes from Nora Roberts' Affaire Royale.

This story archived at: Ashwinder