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Reviews for Father Figure

hiddden2012.02.10 - 09:59AM7: Chapter SevenSigned
I'm really enjoying this story and look forward to reading more.

Author's Response: Thank you so much! It is a complete story, and I will be uploading regularly.

Tinbum2012.02.10 - 06:41AM7: Chapter SevenSigned
Oh you evil......! Fantastic story so far, as always. I can't wait for the next instalment.

Author's Response: Thank you so much! The next chapter will be up soon!

Jong_Kahn2012.02.10 - 01:46AM7: Chapter SevenSigned
Well, that was a satisfying build-up! Now, as the saying goes: "I've seen the sizzle--now give me the steak." And that's pretty much what Hermione's thinking now, too...

Author's Response: Oh, the first course is coming up... ;)

Jong_Kahn2012.02.10 - 01:09AM6: Chapter SixSigned
Since I never liked being called a little girl even when I was one, I can't understand that part of it. But I must agree that part of Snape's appeal is his DE past, the knowledge that he "walked on the dark side", to use my husband's expression. Good chapter.

Author's Response: Thank you!

Half Blood Outcast2012.02.09 - 09:25PM7: Chapter SevenSigned
I think I may need a drink after this chapter. That was fantastic, Teddy! I can't wait to read the rest :)

Author's Response: It'll be coming up soon! Thank you!

iris m2012.02.09 - 09:19PM7: Chapter SevenSigned
omg omg omg omg!!!!!!!!! I have been looking for the next chapter for the last two days and you give us 2 chapters......oh and may I say that they are WONDERFUL!!!!!! thank you, thank you.....just wonderful :)

Author's Response: Aww, thank you so much! I was starting to think no one liked them! But your review made up for it!

magicalpresence2012.02.09 - 05:06PM7: Chapter SevenSigned
Gaaaaah. Neeeed mooooreeee.

Author's Response: Sure thing!

Maria2012.02.06 - 12:38AM5: Chapter FiveSigned
Mmmmm....very satisfying! In many ways. Most people seem to tamp down their sexual urges/desires in the mistaken belief they're protecting themselves and others from them. In Snape's case, makes sense that he'd be reluctant to open that box again, knowing how the power feels, knowing what he's capable of. But so far you've written this so well, and his re-awakening should be impressive. Also, major kudos for having Hermione turned on by his Death Eater past. It's been done before in HG/SS fanon but not with this level of understanding and sensitivity. She doesn't want to be raped, of course - she wants to feel all that power directed solely at her while still being safe. She must have been terrified beyond belief at the Department of Mysteries but fear and desire can be different sides of the same coin. That scene in the movie was a major panty-wetter for me, as terrifying as it was. And I feel HGSS fanon doesn't deal with this aspect of their relationship enough - I mean, she marries an ex-DE, for goodness sake! Even if he's no longer tyrannical doesn't mean those aspects have faded away. Drives me nuts that most stories seem hell-bent on making him a Mr. Darcy. Anyway, sorry for the essay! Suffice to say I always enjoy your writing, especially when there's juicy psycho-analysis involved, lol :)

Author's Response: Well, there are times I like giving him a smoother edge, but I think in this case, it was a lot of fun reminding him that he wasn't always Mr. Nice Guy. And Subversa's prompt was too delicious to pass up, so I hope I can maintain the psychological as well as the physical tension as well. Thank you for such a great review. By the way, a great fic you might like to try, if you like this aspect of their personality is 'Bound To Happen'. It has a sequel called 'Bound To Happen Again, but I prefer the first one. You might enjoy it as well.

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