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Reviews for Turn of the Tide

Beebee2010.02.26 - 12:01PM4: Uncovering SecretsSigned
Just discovered your story and cannot await the next chapter already! ;-) Keep updating soon, PLEASE!

Author's Response: I'm so glad you like it. I hope to update soon!

Loyd19572010.02.26 - 11:30AM4: Uncovering SecretsSigned
Okay, you're killing me here. That last line was pure agony knowing we will have to wait and see if anything will actually happen. We assume, but Hermione is her own woman and may have plans of her own.

Author's Response: Next chapter should be up soon, darling. I can't wait to see what you think.

adaricew2010.02.26 - 09:07AM4: Uncovering SecretsSigned
I like aggressive Severus! Keep it up!

Author's Response: :) I surely shall.

Jong_Kahn2010.02.21 - 09:45AM1: Turn of the TideSigned
Second time trying to submit, have no idea why review didn't go through. (Ahem!) Intriguing beginning. Considering Hermione not only saved Severus, but reminded Harry that Snape had saved the wizarding world, I'm not sure where her reluctant "I didn't say yes!" came from. It'll be interesting to see where you take this. Good start!

Author's Response:

Author's Response: rofl, sorry, I clicked a blank box through. In my mind, in this story, Hermione is a very independent woman, and would certainly bristle at the fact that someone is just deciding for her she's going out to dinner with him - even if that someone happens to be our sex on a stick ex-Potions master turned DADA professor. I hope you like the rest!

makaem2010.02.21 - 07:55AM3: Discovering IntentionsSigned
That was fabulous! Share? Yeah, right.

Author's Response: Thanks, darling :) And you know him all too well ;)

Fizzabella2010.02.18 - 04:51PM3: Discovering IntentionsSigned
Hmmm. I don't think his childhood report cards would have said 'works and plays well with others." Nor do I see him enjoying Sharing time. Great chapter, great story! Brava! Fizzabella

Author's Response: LOL You're quite right about that, my dear! Thanks for the lovely review, I hope you continue to enjoy!

Loyd19572010.02.18 - 02:39PM3: Discovering IntentionsSigned
Well that was rather funny and cute of Minerva. Loved Severus expressions from Minerva's ramblings. Of course, now he has a reason to invite her there. Love how he didn't know to address her in his notes. Just love this so much.

Author's Response: Warms my heart to hear it, darling! Thanks for the review!

sevspet2010.01.31 - 04:48AM2: Extending InvitationsSigned
Love this chapter too. You painted such a great picture. I could see Ron leaning on the cubby wall, and the exchange at dinner was wonderful. I am a little nervous as to what this under cover job entails....guess we'll find out in time. May the muse be with you. I'm really enjoying this story.

Author's Response: Thanks for the wonderful reviews, I'm so happy you're able to see the story in your head. I'm working rather tediously on this story, which is the reason for the slow updates, but it's coming! :)

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