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Reviews for Apprentice Break In, Breakdown and Breakthrough

Jensteed2015.04.30 - 01:43PM1: Apprentice Break In, Breakdown and BreakthroughSigned
...wait one moment....nearly...yup, there we go. Sorry my brain melted into a puddle there at the end, hehe. Possessive Snape is just about the sexiest of all Snape's and his final words were just perfect!! I was in fits of laughter though at "Probably off with some incompetent Screech Owl that thinks a detour via Wales is an absolute must for a within Hogwarts delivery." it was unexpected and absolutely hilarious, I kept going back to re-read it. I'll definitely be back to read this again andagain, it was just so good in all the right ways. Thank you!!!

Author's Response: A promise of a re-read! Nothing can make me more happy. I'm so glad you enjoyed it and took the time to drop a note! Thanks!

loreen772012.05.25 - 07:02PM1: Apprentice Break In, Breakdown and BreakthroughSigned
wonderful job. very oganic and raw emotion, but perfect. brillant quote!!!! makes me want to use lots of excelamation points!!!!!!

Author's Response: Hi loreen77! Oh dear. What have I done? You’d better watch out for the squad too. Yes, it is a brilliant quote. But it is even better when serving as lyrics. If you are curious, pop over to http://youtu.be/AswFJNgUgx8 and listen for yourself.

Maria2012.05.09 - 09:25PM1: Apprentice Break In, Breakdown and BreakthroughSigned
The biting desk is inspired! That's a nice detail that fits the Potterverse very well. Great story.

Author's Response: Hi again Maria! Maybe, the biting desk was really there, but, sadly, it was removed by an evil editor never to appear in the final books. Hm, yes, maybe … Thanks for the review.

jrzygirl122011.01.10 - 02:54AM1: Apprentice Break In, Breakdown and BreakthroughSigned
Excellent writing and so believable! I loved the touch of the biting desk but moreso loved loved loved the ending! Great story thank you!

Author's Response: Hi jrzygirl12! Thank you for reviewing. Yes, the ending is pure indulgence. And the biting desk – honestly, wouldn’t we all want one?

Turus2010.10.08 - 03:52PM1: Apprentice Break In, Breakdown and BreakthroughSigned
Simply beautiful, you've made my day with this delightful one-shot. Your Severus is so real, so believable and incredibly seductive! I love the way he talks, so cultured and sophisticated. Hermione is not very likeble in many fics but in this case it's easy to imagine how she feels and one can´t help but empathise with her. A real nice human Hermione is not so easy to find in fanfiction. Bravo!

Author's Response: Hi Turus, Thank you ever so much for sharing your thoughts and especially for being so explicit! I agree with you; likable and plausible Hermiones are not exactly plentiful in fanfiction. Even more reason for me to feel smug when getting such praise from you.

mw872010.02.24 - 01:25AM1: Apprentice Break In, Breakdown and BreakthroughSigned
I really, really enjoyed that! The whole of their interaction was delicious - all the little details with the biting desk and even the words on the parchment really made it come to life! :) Gorgeous little one-shot!

Author's Response: Delicious as well as gorgeous! Mmm … thanks, those words will keep me warm during this cold winter day. Yes, details should not be underestimated. They act by synergism.

tjturtle2009.05.14 - 12:24AM1: Apprentice Break In, Breakdown and BreakthroughSigned
*fans self* oh goodness, possesive!Snape always gets me worked up. Excellent writing! 10/10

Author's Response: Extremely happy/extremely happy!

Euterpes_Student2009.04.25 - 04:36AM1: Apprentice Break In, Breakdown and BreakthroughSigned
Fantastic! Great humour without making me cringe! Snape and humour don't go well together in my mind unless it's very dry and sarcastic! The last two sentences took my breath away...faaarrr out!! :D

Author's Response: Yes, the last sentences are meant to linger in your mind… Mission accomplished then. I agree: bone dry sarcasm is the way to go. THANKS!

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