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Reviews for Journey's End

munchiedi2017.02.10 - 11:46AM1: One-shot StorySigned
This comment might sound weird or even creepy. For personally, I don't find the prospect of them dying together as a sad event. I was actually happy for them. For one to stay behind and endure the memories could borderline torture. -------------- "Isn't loving someone and be loved in return the greatest miracle of all?" - from some random shoujo manga/comics that I forgot the title. ugh.

Author's Response: Thank you for reading and reviewing! And no, not so weird. After all, I let them die together for precisely that reason, so that neither of them would have to stay behind. random manga... *snigger*

BloodElfBitch2016.09.12 - 11:51PM1: One-shot StorySigned
This is one of the most beautiful pieces I have read. The whole set of them. Heart-wrenching, twisted, and sorrowful. But also complete in all in encompassed. Truly beautiful in the war it was told. And the love depicted, is of one that we all wished we had. Massive praise for how you wrote this. I laughed with this, I wept, and even varied a smile on me for hours on end. I have in my life, someone that I would very much follow through to death for. And the love we hold, could rival this story. At the core, this story renewed my ever growing love for him, even though it never wavered in the first place. The strength emotions that came with your writing, is truly magnificent. A very beautiful piece, with a very lovely, sad in some ways, but lovely and wonderful ending. If I knew who you were, I'd hug you till you begged for breath. :D Thank you.

Author's Response: Thank you for reading and reviewing and my apologies for not having read your review sooner. I am very happy you liked the story, as much as one can like sth where everyone is dead at the end. And I am very glad you have s/o so very special in your life. I feel very much hugged *hugs back* even though I am in - currently - quite cold Germany. Happy New Year!

Outlander262015.03.18 - 12:14AM1: One-shot StorySigned
You will probably find my reaction to this lovely piece very strange. I envy them. I have been married to my precious angel husband for thirty three years and it seems like only a moment. I do so hope that we will have sixty years together but neither of our families are long lived. You wrote "all-consuming, heartbreaking, mind-twitching love" Yes, that is a good description. I absolutely adore him. I miss his bright red hair and beard, but I treasure the snow. When we make love now, I wonder if it will be the last time. Very few people get to know when it really is the last time for anything. I am terrified that I will out live him. Our religious beliefs will not allow us to choose the time of our death, but if he goes first, I will die when he does. My body may keep living but my heart will be with him.

Author's Response: Not strange at all, but heartbreaking, in a way. I am not married myself. The one time I lived with s/o was one time too often - I should have left him the day I met him. I do know the "will it be the last time" thoughts, though, because I never knew when we would split up, and I did love him, at the time. I hope you will have many years with your husband, and that should he go first, that you will find the strenght to live on and to remember him and his red hair *hugs*

Shinigami2152014.06.19 - 02:32AM1: One-shot StorySigned
This just hit a note in me. Full heart wrenching sobs. This whole series was absolutely beautiful. Even though the ending wasn't what I would have wanted, you wrote something so touching, and quite honestly real in a world of make believe. Thank you

Author's Response: Thank you so much for reading and reviewing. And liking ;-)

snapefan19832014.05.12 - 06:43PM1: One-shot StorySigned
YOU BITCH how could you end such a lovely story like that!!!! even though it was sweet and so very sad!!!! what illness did Hermione have apart from old age???

Author's Response: I never thought of a specific illness, just one that made it impossible to cure here. Thank you for reading and reviewing.

snapefan19832014.05.12 - 06:26PM1: One-shot StorySigned
how old is Hermione here?? poor Hermione!!!! poor severus to lose her after he found her and her to die on him like this!!!

Author's Response: Around 95ish, if I remember correctly. Thank you for reading and reviewing.

snapefan19832014.05.12 - 06:20PM1: One-shot StorySigned
this I cant read maybe good thing I don't read it! also good thing its only one chapter!!! this isn't the sequal for real??

Author's Response: Thank you for reading and reviewing. And yep, this is the sequel. And the end ;-)

snapefan19832014.05.12 - 06:18PM1: One-shot StorySigned
only ONE chapter?? MORE chapters PLEASEEE!!!!!

Author's Response: Thank you for reading and reviewing.

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